Training & Services
All of our courses follow a personalised approach to training, ensuring that our students finish their education with the skills, confidence, and mindset they need to perform at the highest level. In addition to training, we will gladly support your organisation through our consultancy, simulator, and recruitment & selection services. We can deliver our training and services at any of our training centres, online, or at your site.
Training & Services
NOTAM Origination Training
Course aim The NOTAM Origination course is designed for aerodrome…
Practical Instructor and Assessor (OTHER)
Course aim This course prepares Air Traffic Management staff such…
ATC Initial Training – EU
Basic ATC
The Basic ATC course gives students a foundation-level of knowledge of the Air Traffic Controller job and the complete Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. Passing this course enables them to progress further onto Rating Training courses.
ATC Initial Training – EU
APS Rating
This course gives students the knowledge and skills they need to work as Air Traffic Controllers in an Approach Control Surveillance environment. Additionally, they develop a further and more specific understanding of the complete Air Traffic Management system.
ATC Initial Training – EU
ADC Rating
This course gives students the knowledge and skills they need to work as Air Traffic Controllers in a Tower environment. Additionally, they develop a further and more specific understanding of the complete Air Traffic Management system.
ATC Initial Training – EU
ACS Rating
This course gives students the knowledge and skills they need to work as Air Traffic Controllers in an ACS environment. Additionally, they develop a further and more specific understanding of the complete Air Traffic Management system.
ATC Initial Training – EU
This course gives students from Air Navigation Service Providers the knowledge and skills they need to work as Air Traffic Controllers in a Terminal Control environment.
Safety Critical Incident Stress Management
Assisting Individuals In Crisis
This course teaches participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual crisis intervention in a peer-to-peer environment, to provide psychological support to colleagues going through crisis.
Safety Critical Incident Stress Management
Basic Group Crisis Intervention
This course presents core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum, and prepares participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services.
Safety Critical Incident Stress Management
Advanced Group Crisis Intervention
This course provides participants with the latest information on Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) techniques and post-trauma syndromes. It prepares them for complex CISM responses to groups who have endured a major and difficult crisis in the work environment.
Safety Additional Safety Training
Stress Fatigue Management
This course enables participants to recognize, understand and cope with stress and fatigue, both in their workplace and outside of it.
Safety Additional Safety Training
TRM Training
This course provides participants with knowledge and skills regarding the importance of good teamwork.